
Black Book Festival honouring African and Caribbean writers

Goldsmiths, University of London held a Black Book Festival with Simon Education in honour of Black History Month.

The festival showcased stories published by African and Caribbean writers, and Simon Education exhibited works of black writers and publishers, booksellers that sold thousands of books.  

The author and educationalist David Simon wrote a book named How to Unlock your Child’s Genius which sold thousands of copies.

He said ‘’The outcomes were good, were positive, we met most of our outcomes that we targeted and people went away.

“People stayed right until the end which was pretty good to know.’’ 

A short lecture hosted by Simon Education on understanding how the editing process works in terms of books.

The event was hosted in the borough of Lewisham during the October half term where the public, headteachers, teachers and librarians came together for Black History Month.

The aim of Simon Education, an African-Caribbean education company, is to showcase African-Caribbean publishers and educate young people.

They started up by running a Saturday school for children to support education as well as working on overseas projects.

The event was very successful overall with a high attendance, sparking interest in African Caribbean writers.

Image credit: Simon Education

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