Two of south west London’s borough councils have been ranked as some of the most complained-against councils in the whole of the UK, according to the Local Government Ombudsman report 2020-2021.
Lambeth Council was ranked as eighth highest in the UK, in terms of total complaints received, with 134 complaints received, whilst Croydon Council was ranked as fifth highest in terms of complaints received, with 143 complaints lodged against them.
Incredibly, nearly a third of Lambeth Council’s 134 complaints concerned housing, with Lambeth Council being ranked in the top-five for most complaints received about housing for the past 5 years consecutively.

An ACORN Lambeth member commented: “Door knocking on estates in Lambeth, we’ve met many people who are concerned that their blocks are being left to fall into disrepair – that they will eventually be demolished and turned into profit for private developers.”
“We encounter families who live in expensive, overcrowded and unsafe private housing and have been balloting for council homes for years.
“The waiting list is appalling and unacceptable.”
Croydon Council’s complaints, whilst higher in their total number, were more evenly distributed across categories with their most complained against category being adult social care at 25 complaints.
Meanwhile, education and housing were tied as their second-highest complaint category at 23 complaints each.
Lambeth Council’s second highest complaint category fell under highways and transport at 23 complaints received, however this is a huge 44% lower than the complaints received under housing.
Overall, London’s local authorities made up 50% of the top 20 most complained against (with TFL included) with London authorities making up four of the top 10 most complained about authorities.
Other London councils such as Ealing, Borough, and Newham all featured in the top 20 of the ombudsman’s report, with Ealing being ranked as the fourth most complained against council – making it London’s most complained against council overall.
If you would like to see the 2020-21 Local Government Ombudsman report, please click here.
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