Portrait of Neil Coyle MP

Suspended Southwark MP returns to Labour Party

Southwark MP Neil Coyle has been readmitted to the Labour Party, according to a letter shared on social media.

Coyle, who was suspended last year following two separate accusations of drunken and abusive behaviour, says that he has been sober for a year and is deeply apologetic for his conduct.

The Bermondsey and Old Southwark MP has also been suspended for five days from Parliament for breaching Parliament’s bullying and harassment policy.

In the letter to local Labour members, Coyle said: “To my great shame, I developed an alcohol dependency and it was right that Labour suspended me while the investigation took place.

“I have now apologised for my unacceptable behaviour and for not meeting the standards rightly expected of me as your MP.”

The MP, who has sat as an independent since February 2022, went on to state that he was proud to be a Labour Party member once again and looks forward to re-energising local campaigning.

Coyle’s suspension came following revelations that the MP used abusive language with racial overtones towards journalist Henry Dyer. 

He was separately accused of foul-mouthed and drunken abuse towards another MP’s junior parliamentary assistant.

Both incidents were used by the Independent Expert Panel (IEP), who recommended his parliamentary suspension, as justification for their decision.

The body also noted that the abuse of alcohol was at the root of this behaviour.

In a speech to Parliament last week, Coyle apologised for his drunken behaviour and thanked those who had complained for their bravery in speaking out.

He said: “I cannot apologize enough for the harm and upset caused, and I’m ashamed of my conduct frankly.

“It should not have happened.”

Featured image credit: David Woolfall via Wikimedia Commons under CC BY 3.0 licence

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