
The Queen and the Royal household staff

The Royal household consists of more than 200 staff members which are split between five main departments.

Each department collaboratively works together to ensure the aims and objectives of the organisation are achieved.

South West Londoner spoke with Paul Francis who spent a number of years working in various residences of The Queen.

Francis said: “The organisation and military procedures that go on behind the scenes are truly spectacular.”

The Master of the Household’s Department handles all private dining across all the Queen’s residences.

The remit includes hospitality catering, housekeeping as well as florists, upholsterers, specialist craftspeople and caterers.

Despite the serious nature of working for the Queen the staff still managed to enjoy themselves.

When the Queen was away from Windsor the staff of the Royal household would enjoy some free time.

Francis said: “We would race trolleys under the tunnels of Windsor Castle.”

As part of the catering team Francis managed specific food and beverage requirements.

Francis explains a particular instance when he was required to order honey via Royal Mail from Buckingham Palace to Sandringham at Her Majesties request.

Francis said: “After a day the honey finally arrived, I only went and dropped the pot.”

Sandringham which is classed as a smaller home in comparison to the vast grounds of Windsor was a place where Francis spent a lot of time.

The kitchen is very close to the dining room in this Residence.

On one occasion Francis explained how he was doing a stock check  of the pantry and could sense the presence of someone behind him.

“I turned around and there stood behind me was the Queen, looking for something on the ground,” Mr Francis said.

The Queen said: “Have you seen Harrison.”

As a result of only working in the position for a week Francis had no idea who Harrison was.

It turns out the Harrison was one of the Queen’s infamous corgis who had gone missing.

Image credit: Pixabay

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