london city airport

London City Airport’s sales boom amidst summer travel chaos

London City Airport has continued to economically thrive during the height of the summer peak, serving 640,000 passengers across June and July. 

They are also on course to serve up to three million passengers by the end of the year. 

Though the airport experienced slight changes due to the UK Government’s slot amnesty scheme, in place from mid-June to early July in an attempt to help the aviation industry minimise travel disruption, their operation has been largely unaffected through August. 

Some airlines have even reported some remaining capacity on key domestic and short haul European routes.

Nonetheless, August is still set to be busy, with over 300,000 passengers expected to travel as the airport reaches close to one million passengers for the core summer months.

The airport’s chief executive, Robert Sinclair said: “We have made a conscious effort with our airlines to attract more leisure routes and passengers this summer and the fact that we could reach close to one million passengers for the period is testament to the resilience of our operation and quality of the passenger experience we offer.”

Though the staples of Amsterdam, Edinburgh and Zurich remain the busiest overall routes, Ibiza has been a strong leisure performer, closely followed by Florence, Palma, Nice and Malaga.

London City has urged its passengers booked to fly in August to arrive no more than two hours prior to departure and to be pre-prepared for security in order to create the smoothest experience for all.

As a result of fully staffed airport teams since the onset of the summer, the airport has managed to deliver high levels of customer service, managing, on average, to get passengers from the DLR to their gate lounge within 25 minutes. 

This comes after they were ranked as the Telegraph’s most punctual airport in London in 2021.

To help ensure passenger numbers remain above the one million mark, the airport is set to invest with its Retail and Food & Beverage concessionaires to upgrade its existing Departure Lounge by summer 2023.

As part of a programme of further improvements to the terminal, Soul & Grain by SSP (Select Service Partners) is also set to open shortly, offering a variety of fresh-to-go food products, alongside a selection of vegan and gluten free options.

Featured image: James Petts @Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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