The queue to the Queen’s coffin will be staffed by almost 2,000 stewards, volunteers, and first-aiders, according to figures from the government.
Around 1,700 people will be part of the official team trying to maintain order as thousands descend on Westminster to pay their respects.

The team will consist of 779 royal stewards, 40 scouts, 100 volunteers from the civil service, 10 members of the Red Cross, and 600 representatives from St John’s Ambulance.
Six Samaritans, two British Sign Language interpreters, 30 first-aiders and 170 members of the Salvation Army will also be on hand to provide medical and emotional aid.
Visitor Assistants from Parliament will be present to help wheelchair users and any people with mobility issues to access Westminster Hall.
The government aim to process 3,000 visitors through the hall every hour,
They have also told visitors that they may have to stay in the queue overnight to secure their spot.
A statement on the Parliament Business website said: “You will need to stand for many hours, possibly overnight, with very little opportunity to sit down, as the queue will keep moving.”
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