
Royals release official mourning and condolence arrangements

The official period of Royal Mourning starts today and will continue until seven days after the Queen’s funeral. The date of the funeral is yet to be confirmed.

Today, royal artillery salutes will be fired in London at 1pm in Hyde Park. One round will be fired for each year of the Queen’s life, amounting to a total of 96 rounds.

Members of the public are guided to leave floral tributes at dedicated sites in Green Park or Hyde Park. Flowers left outside the gates of Buckingham Palace will be moved to these sites. There are also dedicated sites for floral tributes in Windsor, Edinburgh, Balmoral and Sandringham.

Information on Floral Tributes at other public buildings and locations will be issued by the Cabinet Office.

The Cabinet Office has warned that significant crowds are expected at Buckingham Palace and other Royal Residences, causing delays on public transport.

A statement from the Cabinet Office said: “The public should check ahead and plan accordingly.”

Access to areas, especially in central London, will be limited by road closures and diversions.

The Royal Residences will remain closed until after the funeral. This includes The Queen’s Gallery, The Queen’s Gallery in Edinburgh and the Royal Mews at Buckingham Palace. Balmoral Castle and Sandringham House, the Queen’s private estates, will also be closing for this period.

An online Book of Condolence is available on the Royal Website for those who wish to leave messages.

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